St. Baldrick’s Foundation

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Flip-offs

This whole linking up with other blogs is totally fantastic, I have officially decided.

This blog has a neat feature on Friday's called Friday Flip-Offs which is just totally fantastic, and "cathartic before going into your weekend." You can find links to her blog by clicking on the little button on my side bar, labeled oh so appropriately, "Friday Flip-Offs."

And this week, my friends, it is definitely needed.

So, without further ado, my Friday Flip-Offs:

To the med students who are making me miserable: Please Flip off! I know you are going to be doctors. But seriously?! There is such a lack of common sense that it is sometimes painful to be in your presence. Many of you lack such interpersonal communication skills that it is beyond frightening that at some point in the next 5 years you could be operating on real live people. Gah! I seriously can't believe that some of you are graduating in a year. In no way will you ever be allowed near my worst enemy. Others, fine. But seriously, those of you who hate children and back out of responsibilities because you aren't going into peds?? FLIP OFF. I'm done with you.

To the rain/gray goddess of Albany: Flip the freak off! I would really appreciate some sunshine. As in... immediately.

To the MSW program professors who have literally made life miserable: FLIP OFF. I AM going to be a great social worker in whatever field it is that I choose. Just because you're a miserable old human doesn't mean that everyone else needs to be the same. Please take a class in diversity and then get back to me.

To the Thruway: Flip off! If you are not a fast drive today I don't know what I'm going to do. Please get all of the stupid stupid stupid drivers out of my way. I'm sick of driving behind someone going 59 in the fast lane. Seriously.

To my life: Flip off please. You are stronger than this, and you can do anything you set your mind to. And, you need to stop being so tired. Get up, get moving, and get in gear.

To my summer schedule: Flip off. I would like to be able to pay bills.

To JM's summer schedule: Flip off, please!!! I would like to have JM for a couple of minutes. I know, bills, blah blah blah. But seriously, FLIP off. I would like to be the stealer of time and not you.

Ahhh, I feel so much better.

What are your Friday Flip-Offs? I know you have them people! Get it out, and get on with your Friday. Make your weekend, YOURS.

xo lataaaa

Oh, and PS. Congrats to my sisters, who as of Saturday will both have graduated from College! Wahooo to becoming an adult! Pictures to come with my new schnazzy Nikon D50 that I got yesterday!! Sa-weeeeeet!


  1. Oh you are too funny. Your Med students, huh? That's promising. Ok here are a couple fo mine for you reading pleasure Whit:-)

    My Friday Flip-offs

    Teachers that have been teaching f-o-r-e--v-e-r: Yea, flip off. If you're going to complain about everything under the sun, yell at every child that crosses your path, and is down right miserable- RETIRE! You're not worth your 80k+ if you don't enjoy being here. Give some of these newbie teachers a chance to have a job and maybe actually teach soemthing that is exciting and up-to-date...

    To those that feel being responsible includes consuming lots of alcohol: Flip off! Because you made a bad decision when I chose to remain responsible and watch the 40+ children we were ultimately in charge of, does not give you ANY right to be pissed at me. Too bad that others found out- that's what you deserve for not thinking before you act.

  2. Love them!!! I also think you'd love the new meme by Jana called Fawk Friday! Go by my blog and then hers if your not already her friend and join in! :) Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh, when I saw you on GIGI's list I had to come over and become a follower ASAP.
