St. Baldrick’s Foundation

Thursday, January 28, 2010


The Barenaked Ladies. Ahhhh BNL, how my father taught me to enjoy your music so immensely. (Well, you, the Cranberries, Fleetwood Mac, Kenny G, Alanis Morisette, and others. But still. You're pretty awesome and you have really fun, understandable, musical instrument using music)

Throughout my bar-tending/restaurant experience, I have met a lot of crazy, interesting, cool people.
random drunk business people who tip me fabulously,
guys about to propose,
dudes about to get divorced,
Obama's Delta Secret Service agents... Uh... YEA. (summarize it to say, they didn't tell me who they were at first, I thought they were meathead gym jerks, they whipped out all of their LEGIT secret service badges, and I almost fell over. They're the people who go after the bad dudes if someone tried to attack the POTUS. CA-RAA-ZY). You know, normal people.

But on Monday, I was treated to something absolutely cool, which is totally normal.

The Barenaked Ladies performed at the bar I was working at. It. Was. So. Cool. It was a private show for Absolut promotions, guest list, totally acoustic and awesome. And I knew most of the songs that they played and felt cool. Everyone around was asking who they were, and why they were famous, and I, with my infinite hours of playing "Name the song/Singer" game in the car with my Dad, felt quite knowledgeable.

Granted, we were totally over staffed and I didn't make as much money as I had hoped, but it was worth it and a very cool experience.

And did I mention I failed to get a picture with them? Ugh. Idiotttt :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Imperfect Life sometimes just g*d sucks.

And yes, that title of the post is from the Dr with whom I share an office.

And actually, the quote was. "What the f***. Cancer sucks and life is so G*D unfair."

Let me back up.

I work in a hospital.
I share an office with a pediatric hematologist/oncologist.
Yes, oncology.
Cancer doctor.
Yes, kids cancer doctor.
And sometimes, there are just those 5 year old girls that walk into clinic when you first start over 18 months ago, and grab your heart by the strings and don't let go.

And now, this girl is 6. And she's dying. And it just sucks.

So while I sit here, wallowing in my pity and tears and emotionally over-eating, I am asking myself why I am becoming a social worker. Because the lump in my throat is making it impossible to talk, or think. Because this girl and this family deserve nothing of what they have been dealt. This is the family with the parents you wish could parent every child out there. The mother who is rock. And the kids who are so funny and so energetic and lifelike. And the daughter who has stolen my heart.

So, putting it plainly... sometimes life is just crappily unperfect. Super, crappily, shit. Unfair, unwanted, and completely undeserved. It drives you crazy. And to the cookies. Good thing there was a panera delivery for lunch today.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Birthday Weekend Surprise

So, because I know that JM doesn't exactly read this blog (at all) I can pretty much go ahead and say that this weekend was a total success. JM's 26th birthday is tomorrow and this past weekend I surprised him (sort of) with a night get-away up to Saratoga at the Gideon Putnam Resort and Spa.

Which is a totally cool, old, historic hotel to go to.

We each had a massage (which I ended up paying for twice before realizing it, oops!). A mineral bath soak, a delicious dinner together where we sat at a TABLE (story for another post), got upgraded to a super deluxe king size suite without realizing it, and just had a relaxing, perfect night.

It was not only needed and necessary, but a nice treat to spoil him for a night. Ahhh, perfect.

Tuesday, for the big day, there's a party with friends, and fun and food and drinks and an all around great time, which he doesn't know about (because, 1, it's half a surprise, and 2, he doesn't read this blog :) Stories, pictures and tons of "26 on the 26th" signs will abound later this week I am sure.

BUT now, on to St. Baldrick's Albany 2010.


It has been scheduled. It has a location. It has a time. And it's going to be AWESOME.

Sunday, March 21st, 2 PM at Savannah's, the Dublin Underground.

Bands, live music, acapella groups. GREEN hair extensions. Food. Friends. Laughter. Head Shaving. And fundraising to help fund research for pediatric cancer.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Keep it together

Please consider this your first, last and only warning. You are hereby on notice. You need to get your shit together. I’m tired of watching you struggle every day to simply function.

You are better than this.

I know that the past few months have been tough.

I know that you keep a lot bottled up.

I know that most days you feel so full you wonder how you don’t explode.

You are stronger than this.

Pull yourself together and shake out the cobwebs.

Plant your feet on the ground and get your balance back.

Figure out how to move forward instead of in circles.

You are better than this.
-anonymous, but so, so true.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The First One

Well this will certainly be something new, fun and exciting.

I have decided to start blogging. Yikes. About my crazy, great, perfectly imperfect life.

I can't promise this will go in any specific direction. It won't be a blog about my kids, because well, I don't have any. It might be a blog about funny stories from bartending. Or about working with people who are just a few crayons short of a full box. It might be the story about a breakdown or two along the crazy life of going back to school and juggling a bunch of other life stuff. It will definitely include funny stories or great adventures with that super great boyfriend, JM. It could be stories from him bartending. It most certainly will try to be funny, include pictures, and hopefully at least a post a week.

That's my new year's resolution, starting in the middle of January. (I also suffer from procrastination, which will definitely be apparent in further posts). So, some more New Year's Resolutions, because if they're written, they just might carry some weight. Good joke, but certainly a different option.

  • Get back in shape, and maybe run a half marathon in September.

  • Blog at least once a week, even if it's just something silly.

  • Smile and laugh every single day even if there doesn't feel like there's something funny to laugh about

  • Take pictures of things that matter, and even stuff that doesn't.

  • Plan and execute a totally sucessful St. Baldrick's event in March (more to come, I promise on that one)

  • Take a trip with JM somewhere new, fun and exciting.

I think that sounds good so far. And those may be more "goals" than anything else.

A girl's gotta start somewhere :)